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Productive Longevity : What Can Work in Low- and Middle-income Countries? (Chapter 13) in Unlocking the Power of Healthy Longevity: Compendium of Research for the Healthy Longevity Initiative (English)

The world’s population is aging at a dramatic speed, raising concerns for how to maintain income and productivity growth, improve the welfare of older people, and help them contribute to society. By 2050, one in six members of the world’s population will be at least 65 years of age, compared to fewer than one in 10 today. Nearly four out of five of these seniors will be living in what are currently low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (United...
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  • Productive Longevity : What Can Work in Low- and Middle-income Countries? (Chapter 13) in Unlocking the Power of Healthy Longevity: Compendium of Research for the Healthy Longevity Initiative



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Sara Johansson de Silva; Indhira Vanessa Santos.

Productive Longevity : What Can Work in Low- and Middle-income Countries? (Chapter 13) in Unlocking the Power of Healthy Longevity: Compendium of Research for the Healthy Longevity Initiative (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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