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Assessing the Economic Impact of Tourism in Protected Areas on Local Economies in Zambia (English)

Zambia is a country richly endowed with natural resources, and home to a substantial protected area network. Approximately 40 percent of the country’s land area enjoys some form of protection, with globally significant biodiversity. This combination of protected areas and rich biodiversity is equally a major tourism asset, in an industry which world over attracts eight billion visitors a year to protected areas, provides one-in-ten...
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Zhu,Heng; Gupta,Anubhab; Whitney,Edward Matthew; Narain,Urvashi; Olatunji,Iretomiwa; Bhammar,Hasita Mukeshkumar; Mubanga,Ngao; Spencer,Phoebe Girouard; Taylor,Edward J..

Assessing the Economic Impact of Tourism in Protected Areas on Local Economies in Zambia (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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