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Program Targeting with Machine Learning and Mobile Phone Data : Evidence from an Anti-Poverty Intervention in Afghanistan (English)

Can mobile phone data improve program targeting? By combining rich survey data from the baseline of a “big push” anti-poverty program in Afghanistan implemented in 2016 with detailed mobile phone logs from program beneficiaries, this paper studies the extent to which machine learning methods can accurately differentiate ultra-poor households eligible for program benefits from ineligible households. The paper shows that machine learning methods leveraging...
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Aiken,Emily L.; Bedoya Arguelles,Guadalupe; Blumenstock,Joshua Evan; Coville,Aidan.

Program Targeting with Machine Learning and Mobile Phone Data : Evidence from an Anti-Poverty Intervention in Afghanistan (English). Policy Research working paper ; no. WPS 10252; Paper is funded by the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP) Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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