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Progress, Setbacks, and Uncertainty : Effects of COVID-19 and Coup on Poverty in Myanmar (English)

This poverty synthesis notes documents Myanmar’s poverty reduction progress leading to the COVID-19 crisis, and setback to these gains brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and coup. The note aims to extract lessons from the Myanmar Poverty Assessment and the World Bank High-Frequency Phone Surveys. Analysis of welfare trends and drivers of poverty changes draws from the Poverty Assessment and covers the period 2005–2017, in line with existing national...
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  • 2022/07/07

  • Poverty Assessment

  • 173830

  • 1

  • Myanmar,

  • East Asia And Pacific,

  • 2022/07/11

  • Disclosed

  • Progress, Setbacks, and Uncertainty : Effects of COVID-19 and Coup on Poverty in Myanmar



Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Karamba,R. Wendy; Salcher,Isabelle.

Progress, Setbacks, and Uncertainty : Effects of COVID-19 and Coup on Poverty in Myanmar (English). Myanmar Poverty Synthesis Note Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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