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MiDES: New Data and Facts from Local Procurement and Budget Execution in Brazil (English)

This paper introduces a new disaggregated and harmonized dataset on public procurement and budget execution by Brazilian subnational entities, which currently covers half of Brazilian municipalities and spans the years 2003–21. This dataset provides key information that was previously unavailable from aggregate data, such as the identities of suppliers, details on purchases of goods and services, and granular information on the life cycle of each...
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Dahis,Ricardo; Ricca,Bernardo; De Gouvea Scot De Arruda,Thiago; Machado Sales,Nathalia; Nascimento Moreira,Lucas.

MiDES: New Data and Facts from Local Procurement and Budget Execution in Brazil (English). Policy Research working paper ; no. WPS 10598; RRR Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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