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My Skills, My Career Superpowers : How Skillcraft Helps Jobseekers to Self-assess, Identify and Develop Skills for Jobs in South Africa (English)

South African employers are increasingly seeking workers with 21st century skills, which can be defined as executive function and socioemotional skills as the workplace shifts toward the service sector, non-routine work processes, and technological adoption. The grave employment challenges inspired the creation of the South African Presidential Youth Employment Intervention (PYEI), introduced in 2020, to coordinate the efforts of the government, private...
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  • 2022/11/18

  • Brief

  • 177854

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  • South Africa,

  • Eastern and Southern Africa,

  • 2022/11/18

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  • My Skills, My Career Superpowers : How Skillcraft Helps Jobseekers to Self-assess, Identify and Develop Skills for Jobs in South Africa



Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


World Bank.

My Skills, My Career Superpowers : How Skillcraft Helps Jobseekers to Self-assess, Identify and Develop Skills for Jobs in South Africa (English). Social Protection and Jobs;eMBeD brief Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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