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How Large Are the Economic Dividends from Closing Gender Employment Gaps in the Middle East and North Africa ? (English)

This paper quantifies the gains in gross domestic product per capita from closing gender employment gaps in the Middle East and North Africa, using three neoclassical growth models. The paper starts with baseline impacts from the Gender Employment Gap Index, which suggests that in the long run, gross domestic product per capita would be around 50 percent higher in the typical economy in the region if gender employment gaps were closed (mean 54 percent...
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Fiuratti,Federico Ivan; Pennings,Steven Michael; Torres Coronado,Jesica.

How Large Are the Economic Dividends from Closing Gender Employment Gaps in the Middle East and North Africa ? (English). Policy Research working paper ; no. WPS 10706; PROSPERITY; RRR Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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