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Using Social Media Surveys and Interventions to Address Vaccine Hesitancy in Saudi Arabia (English)

Countering COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy has been a challenge in Saudi Arabia, one of the countries affected most by the pandemic in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Aims: To identify information needs, perceived benefits, concerns, trusted information sources, social norms, and predictors for COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Saudi Arabia and identify effective messaging strategies to increase vaccination intentions among the unvaccinated. Between March and...
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Lim,Jungkyu Rhys; Moscoe,Ellen Elizabeth; Ada Alqunaibet; Pinzon Hernandez,Daniel Alejandro; Amaal Alruwaily; Chatila,Mohamad; Rasha Alfawaz; Zoratto,Laura De Castro; Afif,Zeina; Vakis,Renos; Berq J Hadi Al-Yasseri; Alsukait,Reem Fahad M; Nguyen,Son Nam; Herbst,Christopher H..

Using Social Media Surveys and Interventions to Address Vaccine Hesitancy in Saudi Arabia (English). eMBeD Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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