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Enablers of Inclusive Cities : Enhancing Access to Services and Opportunities (English)

In both G20 and non-G20 countries alike, cities have a crucial role to play in the achievement of national development goals. Already, cities generate more than 80 percent of global GDP and, with a share of the global population that is projected to reach nearly 70 percent by 2050, up from the current share of around 57 percent, the global importance of cities will only grow further in the decades ahead. However, whether the cities of tomorrow can...
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  • 2023/11/09

  • Report

  • 185742

  • 1

  • World,

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  • 2023/11/09

  • Disclosed

  • Enablers of Inclusive Cities : Enhancing Access to Services and Opportunities



Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


World Bank.

Enablers of Inclusive Cities : Enhancing Access to Services and Opportunities (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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