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Food Subsidies to Promote Healthy Eating and Reduce Healthy Food Prices: A Rapid Literature Review (English)

This working paper presents the results of a rapid literature review of program evaluations of food subsidies to promote healthy eating that address sales/prices, consumption, and/or health outcomes. It presents policy relevant findings on food subsidies to promote healthy eating that have been implemented globally, summarizing their impact on sales/prices, food consumption, and health outcomes, as well as circumstantial factors under which food subsidies...
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Cristián Mansilla; Herrera Riquelme,Cristian Alberto; Von Uexkull,Jan Erik.

Food Subsidies to Promote Healthy Eating and Reduce Healthy Food Prices: A Rapid Literature Review (English). Health; Nutrition; and Population (HNP) Discussion Paper Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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