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Taking Stock : What will be the New Normal for Vietnam? - The Economic Impact of COVID-19 (English)

As of early July 2020, life in Hanoi appears to be back to normal or close to what it used to be before the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. The government’s policy helped contain the virus and contributed to saving human lives. Today, most social distancing measures have been lifted. However, this rapid return to normality may prove to be illusory. Several economic and financial indicators have not yet bounced back to their precrisis levels, including...
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Morisset,Jacques; Dinh,Viet Tuan; Doan,Quang Hong; Pham,Duc Minh; Mandani,Dorsati; Pimhidzai,Obert; Kaiser,Kai-Alexander; Do,Dung Viet; Alatabani,Alwaleed Fareed; Yang,Judy.

Taking Stock : What will be the New Normal for Vietnam? - The Economic Impact of COVID-19 (English). Vietnam Taking Stock Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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