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Using lotteries to incentivize safer sexual behavior : evidence from a randomized controlled trial on HIV prevention (English)

Financial incentives are a promising HIV prevention strategy. This paper assesses the effect on HIV incidence of a lottery program in Lesotho with low expected payments but a chance to win a high prize conditional on negative test results for sexually transmitted infections. The intervention resulted in a 21.4 percent reduction in HIV incidence over two years. Lottery incentives appear to be particularly effective for individuals willing to take risks...
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Nyqvist,Martina Björkman; Corno,Lucia; De Walque,Damien B. C. M.; Svensson,Jakob.

Using lotteries to incentivize safer sexual behavior : evidence from a randomized controlled trial on HIV prevention (English). Impact Evaluation series|Paper is funded by the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP)|Policy Research working paper|no. WPS 7215 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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