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Convergence : Five Critical Steps toward Integrating Lagging and Leading Areas in the Middle East and North Africa (Vol. 2 of 2) : Overview (English)

Policymakers across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have long tried to integrate their people spatially and economically. Wishing to bring communities together and narrow economic gaps, governments have made large capital investments in transport corridors and new cities. Hoping to provide jobs in places with little economic activity, governments have designated new industrial zones supported by spatially targeted business incentives. Yet...
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Lall,Somik V.; Mahgoub,Ayah; Avner,Paolo; Biau,Julie; Chunet,Alex; D'Aoust,Olivia Severine; Deichmann,Uwe Klaus; Mathi lde, Katrin Heger; Murray,Sally Beth; Naomasa,Emiko; Tello Medina,Diana Cristina; Xiao,Yuan.

Convergence : Five Critical Steps toward Integrating Lagging and Leading Areas in the Middle East and North Africa (Vol. 2 of 2) : Overview (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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