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Announcement of the World Bank~^!!^s Project to Raise Standards for Telecommunications in Indonesia on June 19, 1995 : Announcement of the World Bank's Project to Raise Standards for Telecommunications in Indonesia on June 19, 1995 (English)

This press release announces The World Bank~^!!^s fifth Bank-funded operation in the telecommunications sector on June 19, 1995. The telecommunications sector modernization project. The project supports the government~^!!^s telecommunication sector reform and has three main components: policy; technical assistance; and investment.
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Announcement of the World Bank~^!!^s Project to Raise Standards for Telecommunications in Indonesia on June 19, 1995 : Announcement of the World Bank's Project to Raise Standards for Telecommunications in Indonesia on June 19, 1995 (English). Bank Press Release|no. 1995-48-EAP Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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