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Poland catching-up regions : setting up regional financial instruments and their distribution mechanism (English)

This report has been prepared as part of the pilot project of the European Commission titled: Catching-up Regions Initiative, implemented in 2016-2017 in selected regions of two European Union states, i.e. Poland and Romania. In Poland, the pilot project included Swiętokrzyskie and Podkarpackie regions. The initiative objective is the identification of economic growth restrains in lagging regions of Europe and, on that basis, provision of advisory...
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Document also available in : Polish




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Gajewski,Maciej; Szczucki,Jan; Kriss,Paul; Ionescu-Heroiu,Marcel; Wolszczak,Grzegorz Aleksander.

Poland catching-up regions : setting up regional financial instruments and their distribution mechanism (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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