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Non-Performing Loans in East Asia and the Pacific : Practices and Lessons in Times of COVID-19 (English)

Authorities in East Asia Pacific (EAP) jurisdictions have adopted a battery of fiscal, monetary, and financial measures aimed at mitigating the unprecedented impacts of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on the economy. This report discusses the quality of loan portfolios in the banking sector of EAP jurisdictions and the main vulnerabilities surrounding credit markets that may negatively impact the credit quality of banking portfolios...
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Aviles,Ana Maria; Pailhe,Cristina Alejandra; D'Hulster,Katia; Reddy,Rekha; Goyal,Sameer.

Non-Performing Loans in East Asia and the Pacific : Practices and Lessons in Times of COVID-19 (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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