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Remote-learning, Time-Use, and Mental Health of Ecuadorian High-School Studentsduring the COVID-19 Quarantine (English)

The COVID-19 pandemic has closed schools around the world, forcing school systems and students to quickly attempt remote learning. A rapid response phone survey of over 1,500 high school students aged 14 to 18 in Ecuador was conducted to learn how students spend their time during the period of quarantine, examine their access to remote learning, and measure their mental health status. The data show that 59 percent of students have both an internet...
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Asanov,Igor; Flores,Francisco; Mckenzie,David J.; Mensmann,Mona; Schulte,Mathis.

Remote-learning, Time-Use, and Mental Health of Ecuadorian High-School Studentsduring the COVID-19 Quarantine (English). COVID-19 (Coronavirus)|Policy Research working paper|no. WPS 9252 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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