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Nepal Development Update : Harnessing Export Potential for a Green, Inclusive, and Resilient Recovery (English)

Nepal has been hit hard by COVID-19, although the situation has improved more recently. As the outbreak became widespread in mid-2020, a nationwide lockdown was implemented from March to July in 2020, followed by localized lockdowns, including in the Kathmandu Valley up until mid-September. During this time transportation, education and tourism-related activities were significantly restricted. Since October, the number of cases has been declining...
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Ezemenari,Kenechukwu Maria; Joshi,Nayan Krishna; Blum,Florian Michael; Varela,Gonzalo J.; Ganz Carulla,Federico.

Nepal Development Update : Harnessing Export Potential for a Green, Inclusive, and Resilient Recovery (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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