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COVID-19 Affects Everyone but Not Equally : The Gendered Poverty Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Colombia (English)

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) does not distinguish borders, race or gender. Everyone is affected but not equally. Women are at risk of seeing structural socioeconomic gaps deepen with COVID-9(Coronavirus), along with worsening violence and social norms. The authors explore the extent to which COVID-19 (Coronavirus) will exacerbate gendered employment, income generation and, ultimately, poverty gaps. The authors explore a new but sprawling literature discussing...
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Cuesta Leiva,Jose Antonio; Pico Mejia,Julieth Carolina.

COVID-19 Affects Everyone but Not Equally : The Gendered Poverty Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Colombia (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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