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Environment matters at the World Bank - annual review 2003 (English)

This issue, which serves as the annual review on the environment, looks at the Bank's work from July 2002 through June 2003, dedicated this year to Water and the Environment, on the occasion of the Fifth World Parks Congress in Durban, South Africa. Following the overview, which reviews progress in the implementation of the Environment strategy, the report presents viewpoints on ways to move forward in delivering water as committed in South Africa...
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Iljasz-Vazquez, Ede Jorge [editor]; Georgieva,Kristalina I.; Brende, Borge; Kasrils, Ronnie; Steiner, Achim; Rosengrant, Mark W.; von Braun, Joachim; Briscoe,John; Hatziolos,Marea Eleni; Albert,Jocelyne; Mackinnon, Kathy; Mercier,Jean-Roger Roger; Acharya,Anjali; Kiss, Agi; Dore,Giovanna; Gautam,Surhid P.; Holt,Jane E.; Heuckroth,Kimberly Tricia; Armstrong,Angela G.; Brandriss,Peter M.; Arif,Sherif Kamel F.; Sarraf,Maria; Harshadeep,Nagaraja Rao; Lvovsky,Kseniya; Pastuszek Iii,Harry P..

Environment matters at the World Bank - annual review 2003 (English). Washington, DC: World Bank.

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