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Lao PDR economic monitor : managing macroeconomic balances to sustain high economic growth (English)

Lao PDR economic growth continues to be strong in 2010, against the backdrop of a fragile global recovery yet dynamic regional demand. Growth is projected at 8.5 percent in 2010, from 7.5 percent in 2009. The resources sector is projected to contribute about 4 percentage points of economic growth, of which electricity, water and gas about 3.2 percentage points. This update reports mainly on recent economic developments and medium-term outlook for...
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Davading,Somneuk; Phimmahasay,Keomanivone.

Lao PDR economic monitor : managing macroeconomic balances to sustain high economic growth (English). Lao PDR economic monitor|no. 16. September update Washington DC ; World Bank Group.

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