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The World Bank economic review 20 (1) (English)

This issue includes the following: making conditional cash transfer programs more efficient: designing for maximum effect of the conditionality, by Alain de Janvry, and Elisabeth Sadoulet. Child labor and school achievement in Latin America, by Victoria Gunnarsson, Peter F. Orazem, and Mario A. Sanchez. The long-run economic costs of AIDS: a model with an application to South Africa, by CIive Bell, Shantayanan Devarajan, and Hans Gersbach. Robust...
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Bell, CIive; Cubbin, John; Devarajan,Shantayanan; Duclos,Jean-Yves; Gersbach,Hans; Monchuk,Louise Victoria; De Janvry,Alain F.; Kirkpatrick,Colin; Orazem, Peter F.; Parker, David; Sadoulet,Elisabeth Marie L.; Sahn,David E.; Sanchez Trujillo,Carlos Mario; Stern,Jon; Younger,Stephen D..

The World Bank economic review 20 (1) (English). Washington, DC: World Bank.

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