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Transition 11 (5) (English)

Ten years in transition : recalling the events of a historic decade with World Bank Chief Economist Nicholas Stern; by Richard Hirschler. Czech President Vaclav Havel on the intellectual challenge of globalization - summary of a panel discussion at the University of Michigan; by Jan Svejnar. From the transition archives : wandering in the past - Part 1. Ten years in retrospect : secrets of successful macroeconomic policies; by Stanislaw Gomulka. A...
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Hirschler,Richard; Svejnar,Jan; Gomulka, Stanislaw; Schwarzwalder, Brian; Buiter,Willem H.; Brown, J. David; Earle,John Sutherland; Guriev,Sergei M.; Kvassov, Dmitry; Sikora, VeniaminV.; Berglof,John Erik Anshelm; Perotti,Enrico C.; Lamber-Mogiliansky, Ariane; Sonin, Constantin; Zhuravskaya,Ekaterina; Ahrend, Rudiger; Andrienko, Yury; Solanko, Laura; Tekoniemi, Merja; Korhonen, Likka.

Transition 11 (5) (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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