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Greece : Second Phase of Improving the Design and Delivery of ALMPs : Output A.2 : Technical Notes on ALMP Reform Process - Strategy for Effective Engagement with Employers Across the Scale-Up Regions (English)

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) and the Greek Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) have recently taken steps to lay the foundations for a more effective model of managing active labor market programs (ALMPs). In a first phase of the reform, Greece piloted a new model to deliver ALMPs in the three municipalities (Elefsina, Asporpyrgos, and Mandra) covered by the Elefsina local employment office (KPA2). A process evaluation carried...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Koettl-Brodmann,Stefanie; Mckerracher,Moira; Pantelaiou,Ioanna; Testaverde,Mauro; Jones,Polly.

Greece : Second Phase of Improving the Design and Delivery of ALMPs : Output A.2 : Technical Notes on ALMP Reform Process - Strategy for Effective Engagement with Employers Across the Scale-Up Regions (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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