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Taking Power : Women's Empowerment and Household Well-Being in Sub-Saharan Africa (English)

This paper examines women's power relative to that of their husbands in 23 Sub-Saharan African countries to determine how it affects women's health, reproductive outcomes, children's health, and children's education. The analysis uses a novel measure of women's empowerment that is closely linked to classical theories of power, built from spouses' often-conflicting reports of intrahousehold decision making. It finds that women's power substantially...
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Annan,Jeannie Ruth; Donald,Aletheia Amalia; Goldstein,Markus P.; Gonzalez Martinez,Paula Lorena; Koolwal,Gayatri B..

Taking Power : Women's Empowerment and Household Well-Being in Sub-Saharan Africa (English). Policy Research working paper|no. WPS 9034 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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