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Unleashing Central America’s Growth Potential : Cross-Cutting Themes (English)

Central America comprises a diverse set of countries, including two high-middle-income countries (Costa Rica and Panama), two of the poorest countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Honduras and Nicaragua), and two middle-income economies (Guatemala and El Salvador). Low productivity and weak institutions are behind the modest economic growth in Central America in recent years. Both the common features and striking differences among Central American...
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Arenas,Guillermo Carlos; Campora,Natalia Leonor; Kasyanenko,Sergiy; Lakatos,Csilla; Mulabdic,Alen; Yu,Shu; Ulku,Hulya; Zaourak,Gabriel Roberto.

Unleashing Central America’s Growth Potential : Cross-Cutting Themes (English). Unleashing Central America's Growth Potential Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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