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Community- and Nature-Based Solutions for Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management : Mini Studios for Water-Sensitive Urban Design - A Handbook for Organizers and Facilitators (English)

Globally, floods are the most frequent and damaging natural hazard. To help manage the impact of flooding on people and economies, the World Bank provides technical assistance, advisory services, and financing to its client countries through a range of resilient urban development initiatives. Successful cases of integrated urban flood risk management (IUFRM) have demonstrated significant results not only in reducing the negative impacts of urban floods...
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Kryspin-Watson,Jolanta; Takemoto,Shoko; Takebayashi,Tomoki; Endo,Kenya; Stanton-Geddes,Zuzana; Lewis,Robin.

Community- and Nature-Based Solutions for Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management : Mini Studios for Water-Sensitive Urban Design - A Handbook for Organizers and Facilitators (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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