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Information disclosure and demand elasticity of financial products : evidence from a multi-country study (English)

This study tests the effectiveness of behavioral-based disclosure formats. Around 1,700 individuals from Mexico and Peru chose among loans and savings accounts presented in different formats, including a simplified key facts statement (KFS) and current marketing brochures. The study finds that the price elasticity of loans is -1.04 using brochures and -3.19 using the simplified KFS, with smaller effects for savings products. Finally, while financial...
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Gine,Xavier; Cuellar,Cristina Martínez; Mazer,Rafael Keenan.

Information disclosure and demand elasticity of financial products : evidence from a multi-country study (English). Paper is funded by the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP)|Paper is funded by the Strategic Research Program (SRP)|no. WPS 8210|olicy Research working paper Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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