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Economic impacts of child marriage : global synthesis report (English)

The international community is increasingly aware of the negative impacts of child marriage on a wide range of development outcomes. Ending child marriage is now part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet investments to end the practice remain limited across the globe and more could be done. In order to inspire greater commitments towards ending child marriage, this study demonstrates the negative impacts of the practice and their associated economic...
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Wodon,Quentin T.; Male,Chata; Nayihouba,Kolobadia Ada; Onagoruwa,Adenike Opeoluwa; Savadogo,Aboudrahyme; Yedan,Ali; Edmeades, Jeff; Kes, Aslihan; John, Neetu; Murithi, Lydia; Steinhaus, Mara; Petroni, Suzanne.

Economic impacts of child marriage : global synthesis report (English). Economic Impacts of Child Marriage Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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