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Assessment of the potential for gas-fired power and its contribution to the resource growth corridor (Dari)

Gustavson associates was retained by the World Bank to assess the potential for gas fired power that might result from future hydrocarbon development in the Amu Darya and Afghan-Tajik basins located in Northern Afghanistan. Key findings of our work are: Northern Afghanistan includes parts of two large hydrocarbon basins: the Afghan-Tajik basin and the Amu Darya basin; substantial work and investment is required to develop the discovered reserves;...
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Document also available in : Pashto, English


  • 2013/06/20

  • Working Paper

  • 79737

  • 1

  • 1

  • Afghanistan,

  • South Asia,

  • 2013/08/27

  • Disclosed

  • Assessment of the potential for gas-fired power and its contribution to the resource growth corridor

  • associated gas



Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Assessment of the potential for gas-fired power and its contribution to the resource growth corridor (Dari). Washington DC ; World Bank.

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