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Overcoming behavioral obstacles to escaping poverty (English)

International development policy is ripe for an overhaul.Behavioral science can help policy makers to spur changes in behaviors that are difficult to explain from a conventional economic perspective and impede economic development. The authors focus here on two well-documented, often coinciding psychological phenomena that have particularly wide ranging implications for development policy: present bias(favoring immediate rewards over long-term considerations)and...
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Bryan,Christopher J.; Mazar,Nina; Jamison,Julian C; Braithwaite,Jeanine; Dechausay,Nadine; Fishbane,Alissa; Fox,Elizabeth; Gauri,Varun; Glennerster,Rachel; Haushofer,Johannes; Karlan,Dean S.; Vakis,Renos.

Overcoming behavioral obstacles to escaping poverty (English). eMBeD brief Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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