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Human interventions and climate change impacts on the West African Coastal Sand River : a preliminary quantitative assessment (English)

The aim of this study is to derive a large-scale sediment budget analysis for the followingcountries: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo and Benin. This estimation is carried out using aconsistent approach based on numerical modelling. In particular, the model chain is basedon: Delft3D-WAVE models (one regional model + 15 nested models) and one UNIBEST-CL+sediment transport and shoreline evolution model, covering the entire study area. Modellingresults are...
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Nederhoff, Kees; Schrijvershof, Reinier; Giardino, Alessio; Tonnon, Pieter Koen; de Caires, Sofia Nunes; Briere, Christophe.

Human interventions and climate change impacts on the West African Coastal Sand River : a preliminary quantitative assessment (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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