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An investment framework for nutrition in Zambia : reducing stunting and other forms of child malnutrition (English)

This paper builds on global experience and Zambia's specific context to identify aneffective nutrition approach along with costs and benefits of key nutrition interventions. It isintended to help guide the selection of the most cost-effective interventions as well as strategiesfor scaling these up. The paper considers both relevant "nutrition-specific" interventions, largelydelivered through the health sector, and multisectoral "nutrition-sensitive"...
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Dayton,Julia M.; Kakietek,Jakub Jan; Shekar,Meera; Subandoro,Ali Winoto; Pereira,Audrey Leslie; Hyder,Ziauddin; Sunkutu,Musonda Rosemary.

An investment framework for nutrition in Zambia : reducing stunting and other forms of child malnutrition (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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