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Nigeria economic report (English)

The Nigeria Economic Report (NER) is a regular publication of the World Bank. Each edition provides an overview of recent macroeconomic developments and devotes special attention to a topic of particular relevance or urgency. In this edition the macroeconomic overview is followed by both a detailed analysis of the country’s fuel subsidy and an assessment of the current state and economic potential of its natural gas sector. 2015 has been a momentous...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Litwack,John; Nthara,Khwima Lawrence; Kojima,Masami; Dabalen,Andrew L.; Hoffman,Jariya; Joseph-Raji,Gloria Aitalohi; Babalola,Olayinka Olufunke.

Nigeria economic report (English). Nigeria economic report|no. 3 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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