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How Selection Criteria and Preconditions Potentially Disadvantage Farming Women : An Example from the Western Balkans : Policy Brief 1 (English)

Productive matching grants schemes are an important tool to modernize agricultural production. The World Bank has been supporting countries at the European Union (EU) pre-accession stage to increase their capacity and ability to administer grants according to the EU Pre-Accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD) principles and guidelines. Given its experience with matching grants and gender-inclusive approaches in productive investments in...
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Horst,Alexandra Christina; Mauri,Silvia; Edmeades,Svetlana; Pape-Christiansen,Andrea; Jungbluth,Frauke.

How Selection Criteria and Preconditions Potentially Disadvantage Farming Women : An Example from the Western Balkans : Policy Brief 1 (English). Matching Grants for Productive Investments and Gender Series Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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