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Transition 5 (5) (English)

World Bank conference helps develop development economics. Development issues in a changing world - excerpts from Michael Bruno's keynote address. How to stabilize - policy lessons from early reformers. Painful tradeoffs in postsocialism. Why goulash-communism is a liability now. s 's A persuasive theory of state collapse Gradualism - what makes reform tick in Russia Interview with Nicholas Stern, Chief Economist of the EBRD - shifting priorities...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Aslund,Anders; Balcerowicz,Leszek; Bruno,Michael P.; Desai, Padma; Gelb,Alan Harold; Kornai,Janos; Sachs, Jeffery D.; Stern,Nicholas H.; Williamson, John.

Transition 5 (5) (English). The newsletter about reforming economies Washington DC ; World Bank.

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