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The Gray, Green, Blue Continuum : Valuing the Benefit of Nature-Based Solutions for Integrated Urban Flood Management in China (Chinese)

Such solutions have the potential to integrate natural habitats, processes, and services as part of a coherent and holistic approach to water management, particularly in the urban context. They can provide multiple functions beyond conventional flood mitigation, generating a range of benefits by restoring and conserving natural capital, improving the live ability of urban spaces, increasing resilience, and contributing to more sustainable outcomes...
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Wishart,Marcus J.; Wong,Tony; Furmage,Ben; Liao,Xiawei; Pannell,David; Wang,Jianbin.

The Gray, Green, Blue Continuum : Valuing the Benefit of Nature-Based Solutions for Integrated Urban Flood Management in China (Chinese). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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