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A Novel Approach to the Automatic Designation of Predefined Census Enumeration Areas and Population Sampling Frames : A Case Study in Somalia (English)

Enumeration areas are the operational geographic units for the collection, dissemination, and analysis of census data and are often used as a national sampling frame for various types of surveys. Traditionally, enumeration areas are created by manually digitizing small geographic units on high-resolution satellite imagery or physically walking the boundaries of units, both of which are highly time, cost, and labor intensive. In addition, creating...
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Qader,Sarchil; Lefebvre,Veronique; Ninneman,Amy; Himelein,Kristen; Pape,Utz Johann; Bengtsson,Linus; Tatem,Andy; Bird,Tomas.

A Novel Approach to the Automatic Designation of Predefined Census Enumeration Areas and Population Sampling Frames : A Case Study in Somalia (English). Policy Research working paper|no. WPS 8972 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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