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Development outreach 6 (1) : Client power making services work for the poor (English)

In this issue: Special report -Client power: making services work for the poor. The Path to Education: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Making Services Work for Poor People -guest editorial. Voice and Accountability in Service Delivery. Citizen Report Cards: An Accountability Tool. Applying the Service Delivery Triangle to Care and Treatment for HIV/AIDS. Pro-Poor Health Services: The Catholic Health Network in Uganda. Scaling up Drinking Water Services...
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Ahmad,Junaid Kamal; Duflo,Esther Caroline; Giusti, Daniele; Glennerster,Rachel; Goetz, Anne Marie; Jenkins, Rob; Kremer,Michael Robert; Lochoro, Peter; Maniple, Everd; Martens, Bertin; Mogedal, Sigrun; Odaga, John; Paul,Samuel; Petesch,Patti L.; Ramphele,Mamphela; Reinikka,Ritva S.; Savage,David Thomas James; Srivastava,Vivek.

Development outreach 6 (1) : Client power making services work for the poor (English). Putting knowledge to work for development Washington, DC: World Bank.

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