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Ageing poorly : accounting for the decline in earnings inequality in Brazil, 1995-2012 (English)

The Gini coefficient of labor earnings in Brazil fell by nearly a fifth between 1995 and 2012, from 0.50 to 0.41. The decline in earnings inequality was even larger by other measures, with the 90-10 percentile ratio falling by almost 40 percent. Although the conventional explanation of a falling education premium did play a role, an RIF regression-based decomposition analysis suggests that the decline in returns to potential experience was...
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Ferreira,Francisco H. G.; Firpo,Sergio P.; Messina,Julian.

Ageing poorly : accounting for the decline in earnings inequality in Brazil, 1995-2012 (English). Policy Research working paper,no. WPS 8018 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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