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Indonesia - Repeat public expenditure and financial accountability (PEFA) report and performance indicators (English)

This public expenditure and financial accountability (PEFA) assessment for Indonesia was undertaken by a team of World Bank staff and development partners with close involvement of counterparts from the Government of Indonesia, including the ministry of finance, state ministry of development planning (Bappenas), and some line ministries. The objective of the assessment is to update the integrated, standardized, indicator-led assessment of public financial...
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Ahern,Mark Eugene; Ariadharma,Erwin; Kusdarti,Novira; Fallov,Jonas Arp; Fitrani,Fitria; Ginting,Enda E.; Sugana,Harmawan Rubino; Kusuma, I. G. Ngurah Wijaya; MacKenzie, Sally; Narula,Rajat; Purnomo,Hari; Saleh,Imad; Sari,Sandra Buana; Schmalhofer,Christina; Sinaga,Romawaty; Sivapathasundram,Ramesh; Sunaryadi,Amien; Suprayitno,Unggul; Tambunan,Maria Andriani; Taylor,Ashley D.; Thomas,Theo David.

Indonesia - Repeat public expenditure and financial accountability (PEFA) report and performance indicators (English). Washington, DC : World Bank Group.

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