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World development report 2002 : building institutions for markets (English)

The World Development Report (WDR) 2002 is about building market institutions that promote growth and reduce poverty, addressing how institutions support markets, what makes institutions work, and how to build them. This theme is a natural a natural continuation of the WDR 2000/01, which discussed the central role of markets in the lives of poor people, leaving important issues for the WDR 2003, which will focus on the development of human, natural...
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Banerji,Arup; Cull,Robert J.; Demirguc-Kunt,Asli; Djankov,Simeon; Dyck,Alexander; Islam,Roumeen; Kraay,Aart C.; Mcliesh,Caralee; Pittman,Russell W..

World development report 2002 : building institutions for markets (English). World development report|World development indicators Washington, DC : World Bank Group.

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