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Connecting the Dots : People, Jobs, and Social Services in Urban Ghana (English)

Major Ghanaian cities are at a critical point that will determine whether they become an engine of or a burden on the country’s development. Ghana’s urban areas contribute to more than two-thirds of the country’s gross national product, and cities will continue to grow rapidly, especially those other than capital cities. Intermediary cities such as Kumasi and Tamale are expected to double their populations by 2030, demonstrating both their importance...
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Diouf,Ibou; Pawlowska,Agata E.; Foster,Vivien; Arroyo Arroyo,Fatima; Peltier-Thiberge,Nicolas.

Connecting the Dots : People, Jobs, and Social Services in Urban Ghana (English). International Development in Focus Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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