This Bank~^!!^s world newsletter includes some of the following issue: stern lending: ~^!!^lending decline is highly localized~^!!^, by Alan Drattell; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) financial house is in good order, by Ellen Tillier, and Sheldon Rappaport; why they~^!!^re starving in Africa, by Ellen Tillier; so you want to charter an airplane, by Alan Drattell; press conference on Africa facility, by AI-Hamad, Geoffrey...
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Descaire,Luis; Drattell,Alan M.; Dyck,H. James; Lean,Geoffrey; Nepomuceno, Patricia D; Rappaport,Sheldon; Tillier,Ellen.
Bank's World (English). Bank's World (Bank notes) Washington, D..C. : World Bank Group.