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Pension reform - issues and prospects for Non-Financial Defined Contribution (NDC) schemes (Chinese)

The previous decade has been one of pension reform throughout the world. In high income countries, the driving force has been the threat that current systems will become unaffordable in coming decades, with demographic developments presenting a major risk. In another setting, countries in the process of transition from a command, to a market economy are confronted with the challenge of introducing a public pension system that will provide social security...
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Alho, Juha M.; Barr,Nicholas; Borsch-Supan, Axel H.; Brooks,Sarah Marie; Chlon-Dominczak,Agnieszka; Diamond,Peter A; Dominguez-Fabian, Inmaculada; Felderer, Bernhard; Franco, Daniele; Gora,Marek; Gronchi, Sandro; Hedborg, Anna; Holzmann, Robert [editor]; Koman,Reinhard; Konberg, Bo; Lassila, Jukka; Legros,Florence; Lindbeck,Assar; Lindeman,David; Mikula,Boguslaw; Mora,Marek; Nistico, Sergio; Palmer, Edward [editor]; Robalino,David A.; Sartor, Nicola; Schuh,Andreas-Ulrich; Settergren, Ole; Stabina,Sandra; Sunden,Annika; Svensson,Ingemar; Takayama,Noriyuki; Tutkowski, Michal; Valdes Prieto,Salvador; Valkonen, Tarmo; Vanovska, Inta; Vidal-Melia, Carlos; Weaver, R. Kent; Wilke, Christina B..

Pension reform - issues and prospects for Non-Financial Defined Contribution (NDC) schemes (Chinese). Washington, DC: World Bank.

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