Backing reform in Mauritius with IBRD policy lending (English)
By relying on a program of development policy loans from International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), Mauritius was able to accelerate much-needed and difficult economic reforms, boosting growth and averting the worst impacts of the global economic downtown.
Backing reform in Mauritius with IBRD policy lending
Development Policy Loan
MU-Mauritius Second Development Policy Loan (FY08) -- P106650,MU-Mauritius - Economic Transition (TA) Project -- P105669,MU-Mauritius Development Policy Loan -- P101570,MU-Mauritius Third Development Policy Loan -- P112369
FY17 - Industry, Trade and Services
FY17 - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Education
FY17 - Energy and Extractives
FY17 - Industry, Trade and Services
FY17 - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Energy and Extractives
FY17 - Financial Sector
FY17 - Industry, Trade and Services
FY17 - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Education
FY17 - Industry, Trade and Services
FY17 - Social Protection
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Information and Communications Technologies
FY17 - Jobs,FY17 - Trade Facilitation,FY17 - Enterprise Development,FY17 - Domestic Revenue Administration,FY17 - Public Expenditure Management,FY17 - Trade,FY17 - Financial Infrastructure and Access,FY17 - MSME Finance,FY17 - Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,FY17 - Tax policy,FY17 - Regulation and Competition Policy,FY17 - Business Enabling Environment,FY17 - Fiscal Policy,FY17 - Public Finance Management,FY17 - MSME Development,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Standards, Curriculum and Textbooks,FY17 - Science and Technology,FY17 - Administrative and Civil Service Reform,FY17 - Fiscal Policy,FY17 - Access to Education,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Debt Management,FY17 - Education,FY17 - Teachers,FY17 - Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,FY17 - Fiscal sustainability,FY17 - Public Expenditure Management,FY17 - Jobs,FY17 - Trade,FY17 - Public Finance Management,FY17 - Trade Facilitation,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,FY17 - Business Enabling Environment,FY17 - Regulation and Competition Policy,FY17 - State-owned Enterprise Reform and Privatization,FY17 - Rule of Law,FY17 - Legal Institutions for a Market Economy,FY17 - Investment and Business Climate,FY17 - Access to Education,FY17 - Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,FY17 - Public Expenditure Management,FY17 - Active Labor Market Programs,FY17 - Labor Market Institutions,FY17 - Business Enabling Environment,FY17 - Teachers,FY17 - Science and Technology,FY17 - Trade Facilitation,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Labor Market Policy and Programs,FY17 - Jobs,FY17 - Public Finance Management,FY17 - Education,FY17 - Regulation and Competition Policy,FY17 - Trade,FY17 - Standards, Curriculum and Textbooks
FY17 - Other Industry, Trade and Services,FY17 - Other Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Other Education,FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies),FY17 - Other Industry, Trade and Services,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Other Information and Communications Technologies,FY17 - ICT Services,FY17 - Public Administration - Information and Communications Technologies,FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies),FY17 - Services,FY17 - Public Administration - Industry, Trade and Services,FY17 - Public Administration - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Public Administration - Energy and Extractives,FY17 - Other Non-bank Financial Institutions,FY17 - Law and Justice,FY17 - Other Industry, Trade and Services,FY17 - Other Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Other Energy and Extractives,FY17 - Other Education,FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies)
*The text version is uncorrected OCR text and is included solely to benefit users with slow connectivity.
Backing reform in Mauritius with IBRD policy lending (English). IBRD results Washington, DC ; World Bank Group.
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