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Under What Conditions Are Data Valuable for Development ? (English)

Data produced by the public sector can have transformational impacts on development outcomes through better targeting of resources, improved service delivery, cost savings in policy implementation, increased accountability, and more. Around the world, the amount of data produced by the public sector is increasing at a rapid pace, yet their transformational impacts have not been realized fully. Why has the full value of these data not been realized...
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Jolliffe,Dean Mitchell; Mahler,Daniel Gerszon; Veerappan,Malarvizhi; Kilic,Talip; Wollburg,Philip Randolph.

Under What Conditions Are Data Valuable for Development ? (English). LSMS|Paper is funded by the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP)|Policy Research working paper|no. WPS 9811 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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