This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: King, in farewell, bids the Board to place interest of the Bank first, by Colbert I. King; ten years old and going strong, by Christine Abel; George out; Marriott Corporation in; Churchill message seen by 6 million, by Katie Fawcett; 'fun~^!!^ photo cops best of show; martial arts club is recognized, by Thierry Sagnier; Bank ~^!!^BPs~^!!^ hit by Aspen bug, by Jeanette Nasem-Ports;...
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Abel, Christine; Fawcett,Katie L.; King,Colbert I.; Knapp,J. Burke; Nasem-Ports,Jeanette C.; Sagnier,Thierry.
Bank notes (English). Bank~^!!^s World (Bank notes) Washington, DC: World Bank.