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România - Acord de Servicii de Consultanță Rambursabilă Privind Sprijinul pentru Dezvoltarea Zonei Montane din România : Livrabilul 4 - Schiță de Proiect a Strategiei de Dezvoltare Integrată a Zonei Montan (Romeno)

The Mountain Area is a land of many riches, and over time, along with formal recognition as a territory, it has made strides in gaining its own policy objectives and institutions. In the process, the development of the mountain area has come to be viewed in increasingly positive and holistic terms, and today, the mountain area has formulated a relatively ambitious set of territorial aspirations. This report has been delivered under the Reimbursable...
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Document also available in : Inglês


  • 2023/12/01

  • Report

  • 188191

  • 1

  • Romênia,

  • Europa e Ásia Central,

  • 2024/03/08

  • Disclosed

  • România - Acord de Servicii de Consultanță Rambursabilă Privind Sprijinul pentru Dezvoltarea Zonei Montane din România : Livrabilul 4 - Schiță de Proiect a Strategiei de Dezvoltare Integrată a Zonei Montan



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