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Tackling Noncommunicable Diseases in Kosovo to Enhance Human Capital and Economic Growth (Inglês)

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) hamper the development of human capital for current and future generations. NCDs are chronic conditions that are often untreatable and require close monitoring to control the progression of the disease. They account for 70 percent of all deaths worldwide and directly affect countries' economies, as every 10 percent increase in mortality due to NCDs reduces economic growth by 0.5 percent. NCDs have a direct and indirect...
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Document also available in : Albanês


  • 2023/05/31

  • Note sobre Políticas

  • 183386

  • 1

  • Mundo,

  • Other,

  • 2023/06/27

  • Disclosed

  • Tackling Noncommunicable Diseases in Kosovo to Enhance Human Capital and Economic Growth



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